Tutto ciò che è familiare diventa semplice, ma sembra che nemmeno Google, nella sua essenzialità, sia poi un concetto semplice per chi non ne domina il paradigma (e non vale dire che "mio figlio lo sa usare a quattro anni", bisogna essere stati condizionati per disimparare l'ovvio):
If you thought it's easy to get to Google, think again. In our current round of usability research, only 76% of users who expressed a desire to run a Google search were successful. In other words, 1/4 of users who wanted to use Google couldn't do so. (Instead, they either completely failed to get to any search engine or ended up running their query on a different search engine — usually whatever type-in field happened to be at hand.)
He concludes:
I doubt that any Web designer would be incapable of running a Google search. So, the fact that 1/4 of users can't do it is a striking demonstration that you can't rely on your own experience if you want to reach a broader audience.
[From One-Fourth of All Internet Users Cannot Perform a Simple Google Search]
La morale da trarre credo sia che, per raggiungere target vasti, si debba sempre mettere in dubbio l'efficacia degli strumenti utilizzati per arrivarci,
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