No ho nulla in contrario a che si filtri quello che si vuole... ma deve essere dichiarato. Un prodotto di connettività deve esplicitamente dichiarare ciò che fa con i pay load dei pacchetti del cliente. Finche le Autorità non si pronunceranno sulla natura dei servizi IP e quale sia il nome del servizio che permetta il trasporto inalterato (l'equivalente in termini di privatezza e libertà di espressione della Posta per intenderci, che è difesa dalla Costituzione), i servizi di trasporto IP dovrebbero essere trasparenti sulle applicazioni sulle quali non sono trasparenti.
Ma le Poste possono non consegnare un plico all'interno del quale viaggia un CD pirata?
Link: AT&T considers filtering for pirated content | Tech news blog - CNET
AT&T is considering using filtering technology to stop pirated content from traversing its network, according to a New York Times blog posted from the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.
According to the blog, James Cicconi, senior vice president, external and legal affairs for AT&T, said during a panel discussion Tuesday about digital piracy that the carrier is already discussing the possibility of using filtering technology with content companies like NBC Universal.
James Cicconi"We are very interested in a technology-based solution, and we think a network-based solution is the optimal way to approach this," Cicconi said in the New York Times blog. "We recognize we are not there yet but there are a lot of promising technologies."
Filtering is already used on sites like YouTube and Microsoft's Soapbox to keep copyrighted videos from being shared illegally. But using this kind of technology on a much wider scale at the network level is controversial and has stirred up protest from some consumer groups.
A firestorm of protest ignited last year when cable operator Comcast was accused of filtering BitTorrent traffic. The company denied it was filtering traffic, but later admitted it "shapes" traffic to ensure that its network is not overwhelmed. Federal Communications Chairman Kevin Martin said Tuesday that an investigation will be launched to see if Comcast has violated any of the agency's policies.
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